Monday, October 10, 2011

When, in the History of governments has Bigger been better?

Senator John McCain suggested in a recent interview that Republicans need to show their leadership by presenting the nation with “Their” version of a jobs bill. 

Do Republicans really believe that economic salvation lies in another piece of legislation?

I don't think John needs a better jobs plan, I think they need a better idea.

I recently watched an in depth interview with Sal Giunta, the Army SSgt who was awarded the Medal of Honor for his actions in an ambush in the Korengal Valley Afghanistan.  He stated that he didn't advance to save his buddy from being hauled off by three bad guys.  He advanced because "that was the next step."  It wasn't the first step, it wasn't the most important step.  It wasn't the last step.  Everyone in his squad was simply doing what they were supposed to do.

Dig up the interview with his squad leader...SSgt. Erick Gallardo.  He tells the interviewer that it was "Army Doctrine" that saved the lives of his squad.  They responded to the ambush in accordance with the training he and his squad had received over and over and over again.  Sticking to the "doctrine" or process they knew instinctively.

Those guys didn't stop the minute the bullets started flying and pull out the manual and try to discover what they should do.  Nobody suggested they form a committee to gather facts and propose a plan and nobody suggested rewriting the manual.  They recognized an L-shaped ambush because they'd seen it a hundred times in training.  They all began taking the "steps" they'd practiced, and then the next and then the next.  And that is why all but two of them walked out of a valley that could have cost all of them their lives.

If you’re a Conservative, the “Bad Guys” are the people and politicians who think government, whether its local, state or federal, is supposed to solve problems.  Our “Doctrine” is the Constitution.  It proposes “That government is best which governs least.”  Jefferson said it “chains” the government to a minimal role. But, he goes on to say, it is up to US to maintain those chains.

I don't believe for a second that salvation lies in Sacramento or DC.  Government can't 'solve' the problem because it IS the problem. (Seems I've heard that somewhere before)

Do we need bailouts, “Super-Committees” national healthcare, immigration reform, carbon-offsets, wealth redistribution or even a jobs bill? We’re human, we like short stories and happy endings.  We like solutions and magic bullets.  We’re the generation of diet pills and lipo-suction. I hate to say it, but we got ourselves into this mess.  It may be the calling of our generation to 'suffer' the slow and agonizing crawl out of the swamp in order to learn to avoid it in the future.
I'm a BIG fan of innovation and new ideas, but I think the Founders’ idea of government turned on a much smaller scale.  We have the tools to save our cities, our states and even our nation, but it doesn't lie in more legislation, it lies in exercising the is not our governments’ role to solve problems.

Why not be the New Guard that Jefferson called forth?  Why not simply monitor and hold federal, state and local lawmakers accountable?  Why not rebuke government attempts to overreach in the name of “help” or ‘solutions”??

 We’re locked in mortal opposition with one-hundred-million “bad guys”.  They’re well trained, well funded and committed.  I believe the "Doctrine" favors us.  But we have to train, train, train, and then execute. That will get We the People out of this valley.

Jobs Bill?  No thanks, I’ve got the Constitution.

I'm not sure if I was supposed to just say..."Brilliant"  Fortunately, Senator McCain didn't ask me because my political instincts seem poor.  And I know I'm goring the ox of the guys who make a living collecting and spending money on political campaigns, but I still think elections can be won without a lot of money, the best solutions are local and the best way to govern is from the bottom up, not the top down.  How we do that is, of course, the subject of my books (a shameless little plug there).

Thanks for asking!

What do YOU think?